Fitness Challenge

brought to you in partnership with

We may not be able to climb at the moment because of COVID-19 and lock-downs. It doesn't mean though, that we can't make the most of the situation and use this time to improve our fitness and do it together!

Fitness Challenges




Start in a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart and hands clasped in front of the chest, elbows slightly bent. Brace your abs, push your hips back and bend your knees, lowering the body into a squat. Pause at the bottom, then push back up to the starting position.


Image Attribution:


Rest your forearms on the floor and extend your legs behind you and balance your body between your toes and your arms. Your body should be in a straight line from ears to shoulders to hips to knees to ankles. Start on knees, if needed.


Image Attribution:





Start in a high plank position, shoulders over wrists, core, glutes, and legs engaged. Bend elbows to lower chest to the floor. Your elbows should point back at a 45-degree angle. Keeping core engaged and hips in line with the rest of your body, push back up to the starting position.


Image Attribution:

Triceps Dips

Place your hands on a bench or box behind you with your feet together, legs straight and heels on the floor. Lower slowly as far as you can, then press back up.


Image Attribution:

Triceps Dips



Dead Hang Pull-Ups

Grab a bar* with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width, with your hands facing away from you. Hang all the way down and pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar.

Pause, and lower yourself all the way back down.
* you can use a hangboard or a door frame instead of a bar

+ Other Secret Challenges

When does it start? And Where?

The Fitness Challenge will start in the safety of your home on Monday 30th March 2020 and will last for 5 weeks.

How will the challenge work?

There will be two challenges a week that should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The intensity will progress each week to make sure you keep getting stronger and fitter.

To participate in the fitness challenge and be placed on the leaderboard, fill the form after your complete the challenge. Hit the button below to access the form.

Secret Challenges?

Yes, why not?

At the beginning of each week we will reveal the secret challenge for that week to test your strength/stamina.

Is it FREE to participate?

Absolutely! There is no joining or enrolment fee. This is all for fun and to keep fit!

Leaderboard Results?

You will score a point for each challenge you meet and your score will be placed on a leader board.